Vol. 12 No. 2 (2017)

This issue contains five articles first presented at the Allied Social Sciences Association annual meetings in Chicago, IL, in January 2017 as part of a roundtable discussion on research and teaching in peace economics, organized by Economists for Peace and Security (USA). Shikha Silwal address the conjunction of peace and develpoment economics, using the topic of migration as one of her special examples. Charles H. Anderton speaks briefly about Walter Isard, an early and prominent proponent of peace economics, before delving into bargaining theory as a theoretical underpininning to explain both war and peace. Raul Caruso addresses peace economics and peaceful economic policies in light of the classic work of Kenneth Boulding. J. Paul Dunne develops an extensive essay on what peace economists have learned over the past 25 years or or, especially in regard to economic development issues. And Raymond Gilpin, while acknowledging the progress peace economics has made since Boulding and Isard, nonetheless challenges it to become more atuned to current issues and to become more applied and practical.
Published: 2017-10-08

Full Issue


  • On peace and development economics

    Shikha Silwal
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.12.2.5
  • The bargaining theory of war and peace

    Charles H. Anderton
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.12.2.10
  • Peace economics and peaceful economic policies

    Raul Caruso
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.12.2.16
  • War, peace, and development

    J. Paul Dunne
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.12.2.21
  • Peace economics in a changing world

    Raymond Gilpin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15355/epsj.12.2.32